Order instructions
Registered users have FREE technical support (via e-mail) and FREE UPDATES.
If you want to buy our Software, you can choose prefered method:
1. Credit card (prefered method)
2. Western Union company (www.westernunion.com)
3. Bank (Wire) transfers
1. Credit card (prefered method)
To make payment with your Credit Card, please visit:
DIMS - Dental information management software

Quick buy (Standalone version) - EUR 120/USD 160
Quick buy (Network version) - EUR 140/USD 180
CSM - Computer shop software

/Payment with card disabled/ Quick buy (Standalone version) - EUR 150/USD 200
/Payment with card disabled/ Quick buy (Network version) - EUR 170/USD 220
CMS - Cafe management software

/Payment with card disabled/ Quick buy (Standalone version) - EUR 150/USD 200
/Payment with card disabled/ Quick buy (Network version) - EUR 170/USD 220
If you are from Macedonia, you may contact our reseller/support team:
email:click to send email
phone:+389 75 656-796
Contact person:Isuf Elmazi
2. Contact us to receive instructions for Western Union Money Transfer.
3. Contact us to receive instructions for this payment method.
Important instructions:
Wire transfer expences of your bank and all intermediary banks have to be completely handled by you. If intermediary bank charge any amount, you will have to cover these expences. IBAN, SWIFT codes and other important details have to be specified for correct transfer.
noproblemsoft.com Reseller Program is easy and available for everyone.
Whether you represent a company or just yourself - apply now and start earning reseller fees!
How It Works
You start with the Reseller Application form. After your application has been approved,
you are assigned a Reseller ID and instructions on how to use it are emailed to you.
Reseller ID allows us to track online orders placed by people who used your Reseller URL to order
our products and reward you according to the Reseller Program Terms and Conditions
Why Be A Reseller
Indeed, why should you be a Reseller when there is
noproblemsoft.com where anyone can order the software
The general answer is: because any effort you put
into developing your reseller business (even if it's
only putting a link to Noproblemsoft products) adds value and
will be rewarded.
Now, consider
- regional sales - we have requests from local
resellers from English-speaking countries; think what
you can do in Germany, France, China, India...
- bundling our software with other products you sell
- sales resulting from your main business
(consulting, development, training, etc.)
- local community sales
- offline sales - you can collect orders by phone
and process them yourself online
Besides these obvious ideas, you can create your very
own way of being a successful reseller.
Try It Now
The easiest way to figure out how Reseller Program
works is to try it. Why not apply if
it's so easy? Did we tell you that joining Reseller
Program is free? No investment is
necessary to start earning reseller fees!
Apply now, get your Reseller ID, place a link from
your web site and forget about it for a while... until
you find a check in your mailbox.
With our generous fees even a single sale is worth
spending 10 minutes on joining the Reseller Program.
What's more, a single "accidental" sale is a good news,
because it is very likely to happen again. From that
moment you start thinking about achieving a few more
sales, and this is how business grows!
For more information please contact us.